I want to be absolutely clear, these benefits do NOT exist. Some are simply misunderstandings, some are just completely made up just for fun.

The only benefits Supporters get are a Supporter only chat room, 10% off SimBoosts, and some early beta testing. Oh and a little green + on our profiles. The most important benefit is knowing we are supporting a game we love to play.

With that disclaimer, here are some of the funnier rumors:


Supporters are able to install robots in Research facilities. Also they can upgrade them while robots are installed. Some players assume this is because the robots in Research buildings are only used to serve Coffee and Cookies.


If Supporters click on the daily SimBoosts notification before it reaches the top we get double the amount.


Supporters get 8 sales posts every 2 hours.


Every time someone uses their R1 & R2 profiles to talk to themselves, Supporters get 100 Simboosts.


We get 100 Simboosts for every legit fake account reported.


If you build a Lake Rec and name it Pond of the Phrogg, the game will play charming frog sounds when it’s charged with Simboosts. When it runs out the Frogs go mad!!


We get to chatban one deserving person on our birthday


Products donated to contests are equally divided among Supporters.


We don’t have to scrub Patrik’s floors or weed his garden for the extra bonus daily SimBoosts.


We can issue bonds up to 2x our Building Value.


If you are a Supporter and get an Exec with an Elon Musk family name, you can send a BFR to colonize the moon and get 10 more building slots.


Each new Supporter is required to come up with a new (and viable) Supporter Benefit. Idea to be presented at their first Supporter Meeting along with fresh baked cookies.


We’ve heard that every day Patrik visits a supporter restaurant. If he likes the food, he pays 20M and the restaurant instantly gets an 11 star rating.


We can make CU higher than Q0


We can set Exec salaries to any number we want, down to $1, even raising it to avoid a poach attempt.


We can roll back our accounts 24 hours.


We get extra holiday SimBoost bonuses from Patrik.


We can choose economy for Non-Supporters on an individual basis. For example we can set a rival Producer to be stuck in Boom with slower production rates.


Business Outlook Predictions by Magic 8 Ball actually come true.


If you move your mouse 6 times counterclockwise over the abundance, it doubles. (Thank you for this one Patrik!)


  • Each Supporter gets 100 Simboosts every time someone in game chat says “Robots Are Unprofitable” or similar complaint. We also receive a 15% Production boost on top of the 3% savings on Wages.


  • Our chat windows show our name. Unlike the nameless masses. 😉


  • Cookies now come with hot towels and beverage of choice
  • Special emoji pack, including one of Patrik


  • Fish and Sushi added to Ag Industry (only for Supporters)


  • Supporters have Dark Mode option


  • Automatically become mods. “Lol I think that the plus is a mod thing I been wrong my whole life” – Game Chat


  • Not only do we know the game’s secret victory conditions, but we get to vote monthly on what the next SVC will be.


  • We can hire a lobbyist as an executive to give added bonuses in daily profit


  • We can post images in all chats


  • If we buy bonds we get 1000x the return on interest.


  • We get to pick the economy each week


  • Rec buildings give 3% boost per level instead of 1%/level


  • Invisibility Cloak that hides our execs from poaching

12/8/2020 Update

  • Ability to add special formatting to chat comments. Such as BOLD Italic Underscore And all at the same time.

11/23/2020 Update

  • if you rename rigs/quarries/mines to hail Patrik you’ll gain better abundance and xp – but only if you are a Supporter
  • We know what contests are in advance
  • We can purchase the Supporter Pack multiple times to compound the benefits.

11/20/2020 Update:

  • We can pin messages in Chats
  • We can buy shares in each other’s Companies.
  • Gain Experience faster
  • Exchange fees are waived

11/19/2020 Update:

  • We have access to a tunnel boring machine and can raid competitor’s warehouses.

11/16/2020 Update:

  • We can reset the age on our Executives.

11/14/2020 Update:

  • 2 Extra Building Slots


  • +100 Ranking for 100 SimBoosts
  • Targeted Poaching
  • Production & Sales Boosts
  • 50% Bond Yield
  • +0.1%/week Bank Interest Rate
  • Abundance Boost
  • Free Money Button
  • Insta Production Completion
  • +100 Executive Skills
  • Fresh, still warm Chocolate Chip Cookies delivered daily by Paul Hollywood

This list will be updated as needed. 🙂