What is Sim Companies?

It’s a game created by Patrik Beck to teach about business and supply chain management. AND it’s really fun. Much more fun than any business or SCM class I have ever taken.

You start with a small amount of cash, a farm and work your way up to a number of different industries.

Most end products cannot be built by just one company, so you also learn to work with vendors, either through contracts or spot buys.

There are labor issues too! Eventually it pays off to hire and train an Executive team to help run your empire.

What I like best about it the game is that it is fun and also requires thought and planning. While there is drama and occasional conflict, it is not the toxic atmosphere in many war/castle type games. There’s also a lot of humor.

This is not an official game site, but a place to collect some of the funny stories in the game, along with some helpful tips. First and foremost, read the official guides as they will always be the most up to date.

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